
A brighter highlighter.


A while ago I promised I would feature great ads on this blog from the major multicultural "home markets".
By that, I meant ads from India, Hong Kong and China to start with. Ads that show exactly how high the bar is in those markets and how sophisticated those audiences are. The Nike ad from JWT India I posted a while ago is a good example.

Now, my kid brother Russell (he's a Creative Director/Writer at Leo Burnett Mumbai) has given me more material for the series.

A campaign of his for Luxor highlighters won 2 Gold Lions and 3 Bronze Lions at Cannes and a One Show Gold pencil to boot.
And a NY Art Director's Gold, and 2 Silver Andys...
And got into the D&AD annual - which is surely the toughest award show in the world to crack.

Is it multicultural in any way? No.
Does it exploit an insight into the way Indians use highlighters? No.

I'm sharing it simply because it's a great campaign with a great idea behind it, and it truly demonstrates the power of the product. Nothing more, nothing less. Nothing else matters.

Enjoy the ads.

Article: Creative Commons License 2008 Gavin Barrett

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.5 Canada License.

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1 comment :

  1. The guy in pink. He's the one who's on the history channel like every day. The guy in green is on the T-shirt I got at the Rage Against The Machine concert. I love that guy's band.

    Who's the guy in blue? Is he like related to the pink guy? They have the same mustache.


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