
State of the mosaic: Mom, where do immigrants come from?


The 2006 census shows that between 2001 and 2006:

58.3 per cent of all immigrants came from Asia,
including the Middle East.
16.1 per cent came from Europe.
10.8 per cent came from the Caribbean, and Central and South America.
And 10.6 per cent hailed from Africa.

The foreign-born account for 19.8 per cent of Canada's population,
the highest it has been in 75 years.
Australia is the only country in the world with a higher percentage,
with 22.2 per cent not born in Australia.
The United States' foreign-born population by comparison
is just 12.5 per cent.

Source: StatsCan, Census 2006
Article and pie chart: Creative Commons License 2008 Gavin Barrett

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.5 Canada License.

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